It is a prevalent belief in the religion of Islam that justice must be fought for in an era in which innocent lives are being taken at the hands of oppressors. We live in a world today of systematic genocides, usurped rights, and absolute silence as the world watches injustices take place and turns its head. As followers of the Ahlul Bayt (as), it is our responsibility to embody the truth and speak up when it is exploited.
In recent years, we have accomplished the task of understanding the persona of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and conveying it to our communities. It is now the time to expand this message outside of our Masjids and convey it to the world, for the Ahlul Bayt (as) are for all of humanity. By doing so, we are embodying the teachings of our Imams. When the Awaited Mahdi (atfs) arrives to bring peaceinto this world, he will question us on our actions in preparation for his arrival and our role in condemning immortality and oppression. Therefore, we must make it our priority to join this movement against injustice.
As we devote our lives to making a difference, we ask that you consider contributing to our cause. With your support, we will design billboards and advertisements on the Metro system throughout the East Coast with sayings and beliefs of Imam Hussain (as) and the family of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to depict to the world our movement against injustice. Your generous funds will be used to convey the lessons from Karbala to prepare our youth for an age in which the Imam Mahdi (atfs) will arrive as “the Imam of our time, the one who fills the Earthwith justice just as it was filled with injustice and tyranny.”
This organization relies on the support of donors such as you to bring about a change. To contribute, please visit our website www.standwithdignity.org or mail to PO Box 6262 Monroe NJ 08831